Slide Shows on Squad Wall

Slide shows on Squad Wall are a great way to share picture and video memories when hosting celebrations. Whether you are hosting a birthday, graduation open house, wedding or other large events, Squad Wall slide shows are a great way to entertain guests.
Squad Wall's flexiblity allows you to show multiple slide shows at once, television shows, streaming media or gaming consoles at the same time you are running your slide shows.
For businesses, slide shows are a great way to add digitial signage to your existing TVs. You can still show broadcast TV, and add advertisements to promote your business to your on site customers.
Slide Shows for Parties
Using the slide show app within Squad Wall you can upload pictures and videos to build slide shows. Slide shows can be configured to autoplay through all slides, or you can use the Squad Wall remote control application to manually control your slide show.
You can display multiple slide shows at the same time on your Squad Wall display, transforming your televisions into digital entertainment for the event.
This is a great way to make a creative display for birthdays, graduations, weddings, and other major events.
Slides with Text
Add text or additional images to your slides within the Squad Wall Slide Show Editor to provide additional information for everyone watching.
This sample slide show has background images with overlayed descriptive text and a Squad Wall logo laid on top of all of the background images. The slide show also shows a slide transition effect.
The text overlays and additional images auto-scale based upon the size of the app window within Squad Wall. So you can make a 4K slide show, and the slides will remain visually sharp when showing in a smaller window.
TV and Slide Shows
You can use slide shows alongside other Squad Wall apps to stream television or play video game consoles while slide shows are showing on your display.
This sample displays a basketball game while using slide shows to promote weekly specials and dessert options that are available for a restaurant.
For business settings, this can be a great way to advertise to your current customers as they are watching your TVs.
Video Slides
In addtiion to pictures, you can add videos to slide shows that can autoplay within the show.
In this sample there are GoPro videos in a slide show at the top of the display, and then three other slide shows are rotating through other pictures.